Welcome to the Tankstell, the new Winstub in Illkirch-Graffenstaden!
The name "Tankstell" comes from the petrol pumps that were installed along the sidewalk before the Second World War.
The owner at the time skilfully served both drink and fuel to Illkirchois and people passing through.
The Tankstell's petrol pumps disappeared after the war to make way only for the drinking establishment.
And little by little, the establishment became in the 1960s a high meeting place for the workers of Meinau,
who gladly stopped after their work to have a drink at the Tankstell.
After several years of closure, the establishment has now changed hands.
and has had a facelift to become a typical Alsatian Winstub .
The Tankstell has been under renovation for a few months and will be completely
redecorated in a warm and country style to welcome you to fill up on the flavors of Alsace !